Why does my album artwork keep disappearing in iTunes? The first thing you can try to resolve your issue is to right-click on an album in iTunes that’s missing artwork and choosing Get Album Artwork.

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Click the Privacy tab to open the Safari Privacy settings. Click Safari in the menu bar and select Preferences to open the Safari General preferences screen. Why can’t I enable cookies on my Mac? To enable cookies on your Mac, start by opening Safari. The image DPI will be shown as Image DPI in the information list provided. In the Preview window, click Tools > Show Inspector. You can then open the file in Preview by right-clicking the file and selecting Open With > Preview. If checked here, you can change the size of the image keeping the aspect ratio of the canvas.How to check image dpi on mac? To do this, open the Finder file management app and navigate to the location of the file. When unchecked When the dpi value is changed, the value of (px) unit does not change, the value of (cm) and (inch) unit changes. To “Fixed print size” When checked When the dpi value is changed, the value of (px) unit changes and the value of (cm) and (inch) unit does not change. If “Comic guide” is displayed, set the image size to “Comic guide”. When “Apply” is pressed in the state of this figure, the value of area (A) becomes 200% (doubled). Press the “Apply” button to apply the pull down value to the numerical value of (A) area. If you want to change the width and height separately, please uncheck “Constrain Proportions”. When “Constrain Proportions” in (E) is checked, the ratio of width and height is fixed. By pressing the “(px)” “(cm)” “(inch)” button at the top, you can switch the unit to be edited. You can directly specify the size of the image. To change the resolution, use “Edit” -> “Image Size” in the menu. It is also possible to change only the dpi value without changing the size of the picture at all. Changing the resolution allows you to enlarge or reduce the entire picture on the canvas.