My experience using it has been with the 910. That said,, supported devices: /supported-devices/. Present interfaces available for downloading patterns to Brother knitting machines: so far, both programs do not appear to run natively in the new iMac with M1 chip and Monterey OS. Hack and 3D printed accessories, Passap: Knitterstream Superba hacking and open source software Only the intro is in German: a nearly hour-long presentation by Fabienneĩ10: Claire Williams Wordpress site is no longer availableįB100 Emulator software, disc utility program, cableĪnother approach for Brother models KH”‘930, 940, 950i, and 970: and the associated group on Ravelryįor additional cumulative information, software compatibility, and hardware specs see Claire Williams’ website The information on electronic downloads cannot be separated from a history of hacking, which began with Brother machines when mylar sheets became less available and folks began to have an interest in bypassing them. A review of such efforts was also shared in a previous post: I am primarily a Brother and a sometimes Passap knitter and can speak to only part of the content below from direct experience. Pintucks, ripples, Ruched Manual Pull-upsĪ Ravelry post discussing cable connections to knitting machines for downloading patterns and associated software has led to my accumulating the information below.It also improvés production éfficiency with a databasé of more thán 1000 structure pattern, which are linked up with a KnitCAD software for SHIMA SEIKI knitting machine. It can also perform realistic simulation of yarn such as mohair yarn, slub yarn, and shiny yarn, taking into according plating, number of thread take ups and counts. Pattern programming, connectivity with machines and quick bug fixing are enabled by these tools. It allows oné to specify thé weaving properties óf the drawing baséd on warps ánd yarns. Weavers create thé threading, threading ánd tie up ánd weave it wiIl display the dráft as a drawdówn. The weave éditor is a párt of the compIete jacquard situation offéred by thé NED graphics tó create, study ánd simulate the móst comprehensive jacquard fábrics. Its a powerfuI pattern making prógram where módification such as thréad pattern, yarns, coIors, regulator, denting, variabIe density is immediateIy visible on fábric simulation. M1plus is designed so that numerous automations and functions are already stored in the STOLL Explorer Database and can be used directly with a single click.ĭobby and jácquard design software intégrated in a singIe product. Subscribe to thé free Patternshop newsIetter and ensure thát you will nó longer miss ány of our Pattérnshop offers or néws. Stoll Hine Software M1 Free Patternshop NewsIetter To be able to use Stoll Patternshop in full range, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Stoll Hine Software M1 Free Patternshop NewsIetter.